Community Learning Offerings from Jen McFarland

Xcelerate owners receive a 20% discount.

Xcelerate coach, Jen McFarland, CEO & Principal of Women Conquer Business is offering a 20% off discount using promo code XCELERATE for the Strategic Marketing Membership and upcoming events.

Strategic Marketing Membership details:

The marketing group, called the Strategic Marketing Membership, grants folks access to all classes/events, past, present, and future events. Plus, we have monthly coworking sessions, and marketing ask me anything sessions with me. We have an active community, and a lovely core group of folks who are really growing because we do things bit-by-bit in a very supportive environment.

Learn more and sign up here:

Authority-Building Content Marketing
Master the skill of creating captivating and influential authority-building content that wows your potential clients and sets you apart as a true expert in your field.
Date/Time: May 15, 9-10 AM
Location: Zoom
Cost: $47 ($37.60 for Xcelerate)
Registration page:

Marketing Outreach Campaigns
Let's get your brand in front of influential groups filled with your target audience. If you've focused on one-to-one engagements or social media, it's time to consider outreach campaigns.
Date/TimeE: May 28, 9-10 AM
Location: Zoom
Cost: $47 ($37.60 for Xcelerate)
Registration page:

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